Is fermented cod liver oil a by-product of a "rotting process?"
Is fermented cod liver oil that nutritious?
Is it really a traditional food?
Is fermentation safe?
What is the difference in nutrients between regular and fermented cod liver oil?
Is fermented cod liver oil a by-product of a "rotting process?"
These are questions that we have when cod liver oil comes to mind. To give a peace of mind, here's a very helpful article to clarify some of the confusions you may have. Written by Alison Birks, MS, AHG, CNS, who is a nutritionist and researcher who has looked into the issue of cod liver oil, fermented and otherwise.
Excerpts from this article that I found useful and interesting:
The process of preparing cod liver oil by fermentation is similar to that used in traditional Thai cuisine to produce fish sauce (Nam phrik) and fish paste (Kaengtai pla).
In general, the process of fermentation has been shown to reduce toxic components in food. In one dramatic example, a recent study showed that the deadly nerve toxin in “fugu” or puffer fish, (terodotoxin) was virtually eliminated by traditional methods of food preparation such as prolonged fermentation, and that it yielded a non-toxic, edible food product. It is also well established that anti-nutrients in plant foods are degraded during fermentation. Based on these assumptions, fermented CLO quite possibly may have less naturally present toxins than other forms of CLO.
Putrefaction versus Fermentation
Putrefaction or "rotting" is very different from lactic acid fermentation. The formation of putrescine and cadaverine are biomarkers for incomplete lactic acid fermentation. Both are foul-smelling, toxic biogenic amines produced during putrefaction. Cadaverine is a breakdown product of the amino acid lysine, while putrescine derives from the amino acid ornithine. Both are components formed during decomposition of the proteins in rotting meats through anaerobic bacterial action. Interestingly, small traces of these compounds are often present in fermented meat products and contribute to the overall flavor profile without causing any harm to human health. Some individuals are intolerant of even trace amounts of biogenic amines in the diet and need to restrict intake. Many factors can affect the formation of biogenic amines, and the process needs to be tightly controlled. A quality manufacturing facility can optimize the environmental conditions to allow only beneficial microorganisms to thrive, and for complete fermentation to occur. According to Dave Wetzel of Green Pasture, Green Pasture Fermented CLO has repeatedly tested free of undesirable biogenic amines such as putrescine and cadaverine."
To learn more about fermented cod liver oil, click here.
Hope you find this article helpful!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Open Purchase Order for Green Pasture Cod Liver Oil in Singapore (Deadline: 1 September 2013)
The health benefits of taking properly fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) is astounding. Its abundance in naturally-ocurring omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and D are vital for our brain, nervous system, immunity, and optimal functioning of our bodies. It's especially important for growing children, pregnant and nursing mothers.
There are a few types of FCLO: pure, emulsified, and butteroil/FCLO blend. You can learn about the differences here. Currently I only have the regular FCLO (Oslo Orange) and the emulsified FCLO (peppermint) in stock. Some people have shown interest in getting the butteroil/FCLO blend (both in gel and capsule forms), which are out of stock. With that, I am opening a purchase order for those of you who would like to give FCLO a try. You can see the different types of FCLO here and pre-order using this form. The deadline for submitting your pre-order forms is 1 September 2013. You will receive your order between 2nd to 4th week of September.
Although the cost of FCLO may seem high at first sight, it is actually not so if you understand what you getting. You can read my post on cost and other considerations about getting Green Pasture FCLO here.
Thank you.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil Summary and FAQ's
Summary of Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil (source)
"ALL cod Liver Oil in the World is molecularly distilled. It has to have synthetic vitamins A and D added back because the natural balance is destroyed during the intense industrial processing.
EXCEPT this one that is - the incredible, Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil. It's fermented using traditional methods combined with the quality and assurance of modern manufacturing process. This is the convenient capsules, if you would prefer liquid see This Page.
It’s the richest known natural source of vitamins A and D in their most easy to absorb form and is packed with valuable Omega oils. But this is only part of the nutritional story., because there are many more powerful nutrients such as quinones, vitamin K, vitamin E and CoQ enzymes.
The traditional lacto-fermentation process also transforms aspects of the natural vitamins into different metabolites that are readily easily absorbed by your body. You will be enjoying vastly more nutrients (in a totally natural form) than you would do if using the other cheap, refined oils.
Fermenting fish livers has thousands of years of healthy tradition But during the time of the industrial revolution in the 1850s, Cod Liver Oil’s quality was completely compromised in the name of mass production. Around a hundred years later, it became industry standard to process Cod Liver Oil so heavily, that synthetic vitamins are added back in (and not in the right balance!)
That’s why you wont see the breakdown of the amounts of Vitamins in this traditional food, and you can read more on the technicalities of this below.
Wild caught from the clean, pure waters of the Arctic region to excellent marine stewardship standards. Produced by Green Pastures a family firm, in certified, GMP premises in America. Every batch is independently tested, and guaranteed free from PCB's and heavy metals. The process meets and exceeds many international standards including Norwegian Medical Standards (NMS), European Pharmacopeia Standards (EPS) and the California Prop 65"
You can find Green Pasture FAQs here.
Why Aren't the Vitamin A and D Amounts Specified?
From Green Pasture
The concern that facilitated the discussion about what nutrient content to list on the Fermented Cod Liver Oil label, is that there are a wide range of test results on method and lab. In addition, there are thousands of nutrients within Fermented Cod Liver Oil including many minor forms of A/D that are not currently discussed.
The FDA views a dietary supplement like a drug, but the Fermented Cod Liver Oil is more like a food. Drugs have 'known' amounts of very specific ADDED nutrients (if one wants to call lab made molecules nutrients). Lab nutrients can be easily measured and reported.
After working with the product for 5 years our conclusion is that media medicine and FDA label requirements do not fit the Fermented Cod Liver Oil. It is like putting a square peg in a round hole. It is beyond vitamin A and D. It is not proper to tie Fermented Cod Liver Oil into a standard CLO discussion nor can the product accurately be defined in these terms. We get questions about A / D / EPA / DHA and we do discuss openly and as a result sometimes people struggle to understand the concept that the Fermented Cod Liver Oil is not a drug and it is not as easy as it has exactly 842iu's of vitamin D per ml and this will do this or that in your body.
The product cannot be defined in standard media medicine terms and there is no need to know these things other than discussion and intrigue as the product is what it is as it has been for thousands of years (prior to the industrialization of fish oils). Not knowing this or that does not change the product nor how one should use the product.
Our new labels will have the familiar design you’ve come to recognize, however, quantities of Vitamins A & D will no longer appear on the label. Instead, we’ve moved detailed information about our testing results to our web site. Along with random testing results of Vitamin A & D found in our products, we’ll also be providing information on pollutants like heavy metals and PCBs - none of which fits into the small space of a label.
There are numerous forms of Vitamin A & D. Nutrient pioneer, Dr. Royal Lee, identified over 160 forms of Vitamin A alone. We test our products for just two of those forms - a daunting enough task.
In testing our Fermented Cod Liver Oil, we noticed some of the minor forms of Vitamin A identified by Dr. Lee. Since Vitamin A is broken down into minor forms during the natural digestion process, our research results are not surprising. We believe these minor forms have additional health benefits that can’t be represented on a label.
Similar variability and testing struggles are present in Vitamin D. Hundreds of forms are possible, but in the end only two are commonly measured.
Our former label reported the average amounts of Vitamins A & D present in the random testing of our Fermented Cod Liver Oil, but this is no longer permitted by the FDA. Current standards call for the testing of each batch produced to meet minimum FDA requirements. But as we’ve pointed out, the variables of natural foods are too numerous to ensure that each batch will contain a consistent amount. And it is not practical to test each batch as our batches are small compared to mainstream manufacturers.
Because of this, the challenge we face is determining how to present this information on a label.
In general, the industrialized food model meets label requirements by adding specific amounts of synthetic vitamins that are easily measured in a lab and reporting those on their labels. Green Pasture Products is committed to providing high quality real food and will not use synthetic vitamins, regardless of the consequences.
One option we considered would be to show the lowest possible amount of Vitamins A& D based on any batch, but this does not give you an accurate picture of the nutritional value of our products. As such we have decided to remove this information from our labels and make it available on our website – where it makes sense. The random test data that will be provided will not be for any one specific lot or jar but is for general discussion.
We will not compromise our products simply to satisfy FDA labeling requirements. We prefer to offer products as they have been available for thousands of years – without regard to today's industrialized media-driven, food-labeling requirements.
A decade ago, the main reason physicians ordered a vitamin D test was if there was a concern about the patient’s bone density. However, a flurry of research now has implicated the prohormone in a host of conditions, including among others, certain cancers, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, Alzheimer’s disease, psoriasis, and all-cause mortality, while also indicating that vitamin D insufficiency is prevalent. Even though vitamin D’s mechanism of action in the prevention or progression of various diseases has not been established definitively, these studies have been picked up by the popular press, causing demand for vitamin D testing to skyrocket. At the same time, there have been notable technological advancements in vitamin D testing, controversies surrounding certain tests, and considerable confusion about both analytical considerations and clinical interpretation of vitamin D results, leaving laboratorians and clinicians unsure about how to implement or interpret the test properly.
"There’s significant confusion out there," agreed Hershel Raff, PhD, director of the endocrinology research laboratory for ACL Laboratories and professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. "Vitamin D testing has become part of the routine physical in Wisconsin, but some doctors don’t really understand what they’re ordering, so they check off anything that looks close." Raff believes the vitamin D naming conventions only muddy the waters: 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 also is known as ergocalciferol, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, as cholecalciferol, and 1,25 (OH)2 D, as calcitriol. Some doctors mistakenly think 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is the same as 25-OH-D or 1,25 (OH)2 D.
In concert with the confusion about which vitamin D test to order, there is no consensus about the appropriate reference range and cut-offs for deficiency or insufficiency, as well as optimal and possible toxicity status.
Yet another level of confusion exists as a result of several lingering analytical issues with the various assays.
According to Rao, it is not uncommon for physicians to receive vitamin D test results for the same patient but from different labs that have used different assays and produced different results, putting laboratorians in a spot to explain the discrepancies.
Even as there has been a trail of confusion in vitamin D analytics, there is, in the eyes of many, hope on the horizon.
While LCMS is becoming the preferred analytical method of many reference labs and has been called the gold standard for measuring vitamin D, not all lab directors see it that way.
As the vitamin D field continues to evolve, there are steps laboratorians can take to improve vitamin D testing proficiency and inform the medical community about the test’s appropriate use. Raff spends a good bit of time educating physicians one-on-one, in group presentations, and in writing, including in an internal newsletter that detailed the biochemistry of vitamin D and the differences between 25-OH-D and 1,25 (OH)2 D testing and their respective indications.
While the industry awaits analytical improvements and further clinical evidence about vitamin D, laboratories will be challenged to maintain high-quality testing and keep physicians well-informed about testing indications. As Carter put it, "We’ll just have to grit our teeth."
Learn About Fermented Cod Liver Oil
"If my family were to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to bring one superfood to consume, in addition to whatever we found on the island, I would pick this one (cod liver oil)" (source)
"If you want to prevent learning disabilities in your children," said David Horrobin, distinguished medical and biochemical researcher, "feed them cod liver oil." (source)
Introduction to Cod Liver Oil
Learn about the amazing components what make up cod liver oil.
Nutrition of cod liver oil
What's So Good About Cod Liver Oil?
"Healthy" is relative. What was once considered "healthy" is no longer is and vice versa. As such, let's look at a few reasons why even the healthiest among us need nutrient-dense food such as fermented cod liver oil. (It's a rather long post, but it's full of important information and I hope you stay with me until the end.. and learn something new).
Why Should I Take Cod Liver Oil if I'm Already Healthy?
There are many brands of cod liver oil out there, but how can we know which ones are good? Which ones retain most, if not, all the naturally-occurring nutrients? Let's take a look.
What To Look For in Cod Liver Oil and What is the Best Brand?
If you're already taking fish oil or some kind of omega 3 DHA and EPA, chances are you already know the health benefits of fish oil. Now it's a matter of finding the right kind of fish oils. Let's take a look at the differences between regular fish oil, regular cod liver oil, and fermented cod liver oil.
Differences between Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Regular Cod Liver Oil, and Regular Fish Oil
The cost of FCLO may seem high at first sight, it is actually not so if you understand what you getting. Read here for discussions on cost, taste, and other considerations about getting Green Pasture FCLO
Cost, Taste, and Considerations for Getting Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
There are so many brands of cod liver oil out there, why did I choose Green Pasture?
My Personal Reasons for Taking Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Green Pasture FCLO Testimonies
There are so much more to properly fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) than just omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Naturally-occurring vitamin A and D are abundant in FCLO and are vital for optimal body functions but unfortunately many brands out there have inappropriately imbalanced ratio of the two vitamins, due to industrial processing, creating more harms than benefits (may even be toxic!). Learn more about the importance of vitamin A and D, how they work synergistically, and why an imbalanced ratio of A to D is not good.
Notes on Vitamins A and D Contents in Green Pasture FCLO
Where to Buy Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore
Types of Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil and How to Order
Clearing Controversies and Confusion With Fermented Cod Liver Oil
"If you want to prevent learning disabilities in your children," said David Horrobin, distinguished medical and biochemical researcher, "feed them cod liver oil." (source)
Introduction to Cod Liver Oil
Learn about the amazing components what make up cod liver oil.
Nutrition of cod liver oil
What's So Good About Cod Liver Oil?
"Healthy" is relative. What was once considered "healthy" is no longer is and vice versa. As such, let's look at a few reasons why even the healthiest among us need nutrient-dense food such as fermented cod liver oil. (It's a rather long post, but it's full of important information and I hope you stay with me until the end.. and learn something new).
Why Should I Take Cod Liver Oil if I'm Already Healthy?
There are many brands of cod liver oil out there, but how can we know which ones are good? Which ones retain most, if not, all the naturally-occurring nutrients? Let's take a look.
What To Look For in Cod Liver Oil and What is the Best Brand?
If you're already taking fish oil or some kind of omega 3 DHA and EPA, chances are you already know the health benefits of fish oil. Now it's a matter of finding the right kind of fish oils. Let's take a look at the differences between regular fish oil, regular cod liver oil, and fermented cod liver oil.
Differences between Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Regular Cod Liver Oil, and Regular Fish Oil
The cost of FCLO may seem high at first sight, it is actually not so if you understand what you getting. Read here for discussions on cost, taste, and other considerations about getting Green Pasture FCLO
Cost, Taste, and Considerations for Getting Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
There are so many brands of cod liver oil out there, why did I choose Green Pasture?
My Personal Reasons for Taking Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Green Pasture FCLO Testimonies
There are so much more to properly fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) than just omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Naturally-occurring vitamin A and D are abundant in FCLO and are vital for optimal body functions but unfortunately many brands out there have inappropriately imbalanced ratio of the two vitamins, due to industrial processing, creating more harms than benefits (may even be toxic!). Learn more about the importance of vitamin A and D, how they work synergistically, and why an imbalanced ratio of A to D is not good.
Notes on Vitamins A and D Contents in Green Pasture FCLO
Where to Buy Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore
Types of Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil and How to Order
Clearing Controversies and Confusion With Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Buying Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore
Learn about the amazing health benefits of fermented cod liver oil here.
Green Pasture is rated as the "best" brand of cod liver oil by Weston A. Price Foundation and is the only brand that I would recommend to anyone. If you do an internet search on the best cod liver oil, you will almost always get referred to Green Pasture. You can read Green Pasture's FAQ's and Summary here.
Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) Product List
Click here if you are unsure about the differences between the different types of FCLO and which FCLO to get.
How to Order?
Use this order form. Please read the instruction below carefully before you place your order.
- Email Confirmation. You will get an email confirmation when you submit your order form. If not, please contact me.
- Supply Availability. I do not always have stocks available for purchase. I buy extras when I order for my own consumption, as such, I only have limited quantities of Green Pasture FCLO's at any one time.
1. If items are available, full payment is due upon ordering (after you receive email confirmation).
2. If items are not available, you need to pre-order and wait until the next shipment if the current stock runs out. Fifty percent deposit is required to place a pre-order of any quantity through online bank transfer. The remaining balance will have to be paid after the order has arrived and before delivery/pick up.
- Local Delivery or Self Pick Up. To avoid any frustration due to damage or loss in transit, local delivery is only via my chosen carrier. Flat rate delivery charge of SG$6 within Singapore (door-to-door) up to 8 bottles of FCLO, then it's an additional of SG$1 per bottle. You will need to specify the delivery time window: 9am-1pm, 1-5pm, or 5-9pm. If no one is there when the initial attempt of delivery is made, an additional $6 will be charged for a second delivery. You can also choose to pick up locally.
- International Buyers. Please note that it is the buyers' responsibility to cover the cost of international shipping, tracking, insurance, and any issues in customs) and I will not be held responsible for any damage or loss in transit once they are shipped. (FCLO is a valuable product. Although items generally arrive safely 95-98% of the time, sometimes they do get lost in transit and it can get frustrating).
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Green Pasture nor am I paid to write a review about their products. I'm just a very satisfied consumer and believe in the effectiveness of Green Pasture FCLO. All opinions are completely my own.
Green Pasture is rated as the "best" brand of cod liver oil by Weston A. Price Foundation and is the only brand that I would recommend to anyone. If you do an internet search on the best cod liver oil, you will almost always get referred to Green Pasture. You can read Green Pasture's FAQ's and Summary here.
Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) Product List
Click on the flavors to see the description and product label.
Click here if you are unsure about the differences between the different types of FCLO and which FCLO to get.
How to Order?
Use this order form. Please read the instruction below carefully before you place your order.
- Email Confirmation. You will get an email confirmation when you submit your order form. If not, please contact me.
- Supply Availability. I do not always have stocks available for purchase. I buy extras when I order for my own consumption, as such, I only have limited quantities of Green Pasture FCLO's at any one time.
1. If items are available, full payment is due upon ordering (after you receive email confirmation).
2. If items are not available, you need to pre-order and wait until the next shipment if the current stock runs out. Fifty percent deposit is required to place a pre-order of any quantity through online bank transfer. The remaining balance will have to be paid after the order has arrived and before delivery/pick up.
- Local Delivery or Self Pick Up. To avoid any frustration due to damage or loss in transit, local delivery is only via my chosen carrier. Flat rate delivery charge of SG$6 within Singapore (door-to-door) up to 8 bottles of FCLO, then it's an additional of SG$1 per bottle. You will need to specify the delivery time window: 9am-1pm, 1-5pm, or 5-9pm. If no one is there when the initial attempt of delivery is made, an additional $6 will be charged for a second delivery. You can also choose to pick up locally.
- International Buyers. Please note that it is the buyers' responsibility to cover the cost of international shipping, tracking, insurance, and any issues in customs) and I will not be held responsible for any damage or loss in transit once they are shipped. (FCLO is a valuable product. Although items generally arrive safely 95-98% of the time, sometimes they do get lost in transit and it can get frustrating).
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Green Pasture nor am I paid to write a review about their products. I'm just a very satisfied consumer and believe in the effectiveness of Green Pasture FCLO. All opinions are completely my own.
Where to Buy Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore and Different Types of FCLO
Where to Buy Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore?
Rated as the "best" by Weston A. Price Foundation, Green Pasture undoubtedly is the number one brand recommended by the health community.
See WAPF website if you are in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Hong Kong. US residents can buy directly from Green Pasture website.
See here to learn more about Green Pasture FCLO and FAQ's.
Types of Green Pasture FCLO's
- Regular FCLO. This is 100% FCLO in liquid form. This is the most cost-effective option, but in order to get the maximum benefit, your diets need to include saturated fats such as high vitamin butter oil (HVBO), butter from pasture-fed cows, or coconut oil as FCLO works synergistically with saturated fats.
- Butter oil/FCLO blend. This blend combines one-third high vitamin butter oil (HVBO) and two-thirds FCLO in gel form. We've learned that CLO on its own was relatively ineffective but combined with HVBO, it produces excellent results.
- Emulsified FCLO. Emulsification aids in flavor and some may find it easier to digest (gel form). It's one of the easiest to swallow.
- Capsules FCLO. If you can't take FCLO in liquid form, this is for you. However, it is the most expensive way of consuming FCLO.
How to Order?
For Singapore, You can order for the different types and flavors of FCLO here. Fermented CLO is extremely stable and they can keep for a long time. You can put it on the counter, in the fridge, or freezer. If you leave it on the counter, the CLO will continue to ferment, gradually making the taste stronger over time.
If you are curious or confused on which ones to get, I'm currently taking the butter oil/FCLO blend and my baby is taking the regular FCLO (Oslo Orange), along with coconut oil separately. She tried the Cinnamon Tingle butter oil/FCLO blend, but it was too spicy for her. She also tried the emulsified FCLO (peppermint) before and was fine with it. It actually taste good (and sweet) because they add stevia leaf (a natural sweetener with a zero glycemic index!). I would get the butter oil/FCLO blend if you don't consume ample saturated fats in your diet. For the little ones, I recommend either the regular FCLO or the emulsified peppermint FCLO.
I am convinced that everyone, especially pregnant and nursing mothers, growing children, and those recovering from illnesses. If you are not yet convinced, I encourage you to do further reading on FCLO and see for yourself the amazing benefits of this elixir.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Green Pasture nor am I paid to write a review about their products. I'm just a very satisfied consumer and believe in the effectiveness of Green Pasture FCLO. All opinions are completely my own.
Notes on Vitamins A and D Contents in Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Vitamin A and D Work as Partners
"At least 2,000 genes, or nearly 10 percent of your genes, have been identified that are directly influenced by vitamin D, which in turn impact a wide variety of health issues, from preventing the common cold and flu to inhibiting at least sixteen different types of cancer. There’s even evidence linking vitamin D to the process of brain detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury. Widespread vitamin D deficiency has also been strongly linked to the childhood epidemics of autism, asthma, and diabetes, both type 1 and 2. Vitamin A, which is essential for your immune system just like vitamin D, is also a precursor to active hormones that regulate the expression of your genes, and they work in tandem. For example, there is evidence that without vitamin D, vitamin A can be ineffective or even toxic. But if you’re deficient in vitamin A, vitamin D cannot function properly either." (source)
Risks of Vitamin A and D Toxicity
"Some forms of synthetic vitamin A found in supplements can be toxic at only moderately high doses, fat-soluble vitamin A naturally found in foods like cod liver oil, liver, and butterfat is safe at up to ten times the doses of water-soluble, solidified and emulsified vitamin A found in some supplements that produce toxicity. Additionally, the vitamin D found in cod liver oil and butterfat from pasture-raised animals protects against vitamin A toxicity, and allows one to consume a much higher amount of vitamin A before it becomes toxic." (source)
Importance of Balanced Ratio of Vitamin A to D (source)
"The Weston Price Foundation’s strong belief is that vitamin A is not at all toxic but is necessary for optimal vitamin D function. However they believe there is sufficient vitamin A in the diet of most Americans, especially if they are taking a multivitamin.
Consuming such high amounts of vitamin A as contained in cod liver oil and most multi-vitamins, while not getting nearly enough vitamin D, combined with the fact that most people are deficient in vitamin D to begin with, could potentially cause vitamin A to become toxic. We agree with this statement and have consistently warned people not to use multivitamins and not to take brands of cod liver oil that are low in vitamin D."
A ratio of vitamin A to D of 5:1 is ideal (source)
For further reading about vitamin A and D
Vitamin A Saga
Am I Getting Too Much Vitamin D
From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety
Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations
"At least 2,000 genes, or nearly 10 percent of your genes, have been identified that are directly influenced by vitamin D, which in turn impact a wide variety of health issues, from preventing the common cold and flu to inhibiting at least sixteen different types of cancer. There’s even evidence linking vitamin D to the process of brain detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury. Widespread vitamin D deficiency has also been strongly linked to the childhood epidemics of autism, asthma, and diabetes, both type 1 and 2. Vitamin A, which is essential for your immune system just like vitamin D, is also a precursor to active hormones that regulate the expression of your genes, and they work in tandem. For example, there is evidence that without vitamin D, vitamin A can be ineffective or even toxic. But if you’re deficient in vitamin A, vitamin D cannot function properly either." (source)
Risks of Vitamin A and D Toxicity
"Some forms of synthetic vitamin A found in supplements can be toxic at only moderately high doses, fat-soluble vitamin A naturally found in foods like cod liver oil, liver, and butterfat is safe at up to ten times the doses of water-soluble, solidified and emulsified vitamin A found in some supplements that produce toxicity. Additionally, the vitamin D found in cod liver oil and butterfat from pasture-raised animals protects against vitamin A toxicity, and allows one to consume a much higher amount of vitamin A before it becomes toxic." (source)
Importance of Balanced Ratio of Vitamin A to D (source)
"The Weston Price Foundation’s strong belief is that vitamin A is not at all toxic but is necessary for optimal vitamin D function. However they believe there is sufficient vitamin A in the diet of most Americans, especially if they are taking a multivitamin.
Consuming such high amounts of vitamin A as contained in cod liver oil and most multi-vitamins, while not getting nearly enough vitamin D, combined with the fact that most people are deficient in vitamin D to begin with, could potentially cause vitamin A to become toxic. We agree with this statement and have consistently warned people not to use multivitamins and not to take brands of cod liver oil that are low in vitamin D."
![]() |
An example of a very low vitamin D to A ratio in cod liver oil. |
A ratio of vitamin A to D of 5:1 is ideal (source)
For further reading about vitamin A and D
Vitamin A Saga
Am I Getting Too Much Vitamin D
From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety
Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations
Green Pasture FCLO Testimonials
Cod Liver Oil Testimonials, taken from "Update on Cod Liver Oil Manufacture" by David Wetzel, Wise Traditions, Spring 2009
After about two weeks taking a one-half teaspoon high vitamin cod liver oil I noticed that my hands were not cracked anymore. I have had dry skin my whole life and in winter they will crack and bleed. My mother is 99 years old and has had skin cancer on her forehead. They have burned it off several times but it always bleeds and never really healed. I got her to take the cod liver oil so she wouldn’t get a cold. Incredibly, her forehead has now healed up. WL.
Since I started using fermented cod liver oil in my naturopathic practice, I have two completely resolved cases of endometriosis, women experiencing pain-free periods for the first time in their lives, surprisingly within two or three weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil at a dose of 5 ml per day. Up to this point in my six-year career, I had yet to have any luck whatsoever when it came to endometriosis. I have another very complicated case of endometriosis combined with Wolf-Parkinson’s-White-like heart problems and this particular woman experienced twelve to fifteen days of excruciating pain monthly related to the endometriosis. Within six weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil she is down to three days of pain per month, which she is thrilled about. While her WPW symptoms persist, her endometriosis symptoms are all but a thing of the past. Again, I put her on a dose of 5 ml per day. I have another patient who came to me, a mother in her thirties, who was experiencing hair thinning and had not had a period in over nine months for no apparent reason. Within three weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil, she had a period again. Laura Margaritis, ND, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
I have a handful of clients that I have on high vitamin or fermented cod liver oil and when they stop taking it, they have discomfort and pain rather quickly in their arthritic areas, not to mention a return of depression and mood problems. They tell me they won’t give up cod liver oil no matter what anyone says to them. . . our bodies don’t lie. Anabela Bacchione.
I have been using fermented cod liver oil for about eighteen months. I have been checking my vitamin D levels over the last four years and this year I went from 37 to 48, whereas the three years previous I went from 16 to 26 (ten points total, for the three years). During those years I was taking vitamin D in doses from 10,000 to 50,000 IU. The only thing I can attribute the increase to is the fermented cod liver oil. I also have a few customers who swear that the cod liver oil wards off depression, especially in the winter (Minnesota). BS.
We’ve been using high-vitamin cod liver oil and the butter oil for the Weston Price protocol for several years. The biggest changes reported have been improved muscle strength, stamina and immunity. I have also noted improved moods in my family—they are less irritable. I also feel the Weston Price protocol, including bone broths, raw goat milk kefir, etc., helped save my mother’s life when she was stricken with severe sepsis several years ago. The frequent drops of cod liver oil and butter oil appeared to increase her strength and improve her ability to absorb and utilize her food. LH.
One of my patients, an active but hobbled sixty-five-year-old female, kept complaining of joint pain and stiffness for the past year. Our chiropractic work did wonders to keep her feeling quite well and able to maintain a busy schedule as well as go skiing in Colorado, but she would always return with the same old complaints. After two months on the high vitamin cod liver oil, her complaints of joint pain were gone! Michael J. Kudlas, DC, MA, MEd.
My son’s acne completely cleared up and he is so happy on cod liver oil that it is the one thing he will consistently take. Also he noticed that his seasonal affective disorder was much better last winter taking the cod liver oil (for his skin) and his grades and general energy were markedly improved over previous winters when he didn’t take it. Megan McCoy, MD.
At eight months, my one-hundred-percent breast fed daughter had a bad case of eczema and an allergy to egg whites. We tried everything (different soaps, oils, creams etc.) to get rid of the eczema and nothing worked till our homeopathic pediatrician told us to give her 1-2 ml of high-vitamin cod liver oil along with high-vitamin butter oil every day, as well as a teaspoon of coconut oil. Today she is a happy healthy two-year-old who takes 1-2 ml cod liver oil almost every day. She has perfect skin and her allergy to egg whites is gone as well. Her amazing recovery from the eczema and egg allergy inspired me to go back to school and become certified as a nutritional therapy practitioner. Our whole family of five has been taking 1-2 ml of high-vitamin cod liver oil for the past two years. We are all healthy and happy. The children, ages two, four and six, have never had a cavity and are noticeably healthier than the majority of their friends. Shelley Ballantyne.
I am writing for myself and my family with all the changes which have taken place after the consumption of high-vitamin butter oil and cod liver oil and all good fats. First, I was deeply ill, with many local doctors diagnosing me with severe depression and anxiety. I was unable to sleep, digest or eliminate foods in a healthy way; I could not work or take care of myself at all. I was unable to do simple tasks like do the wash or button a shirt, for my coordination was impaired. I would trip often and could not finish a thought or sentence. I was severely paranoid of all things and people. With many medicines, my symptoms became even more severe and intense. I was scared to death, along with my family! I became very suicidal. I should explain that previously I was in the hair salon business and was quite successful, but using many chemicals all day long, five days a week. My diet was filled with wrong foods. I was taking care of a very sick family member daily. Thanks to Dr. Roy Ozanne I learned about good fats and fermented foods. With his help I eliminated all sugars, caffeine, alcohol, white flour, etc., but more importantly, I added cod liver oil and butter oil. Over the course of two years, my body healed itself. I am now able to communicate with all, I am motivated, and I am back to work (not in the hair business!). My children on this diet report that they are able to focus much better than they used to. LMP.
In our clinic we’ve used Premier Natural Cod liver oil for about five or six years with great success. Our babies born to patients of the clinic in many cases have facial structures Weston Price found in his travels of traditional cultures. They have broad jaws, ears with unattached, slightly enlongated lobes, and have great emotional dispositions. Many sleep through the night at a fairly early age, and developmentally are either early or right on target. Many parents have reported that their children do well academically and conditions such as allergies, behavioral disorders are markedly absent in these children. All our patients take two capsules pre-pregnancy and continue this during pregnancy and during lactation along with a diet that includes Chinese medical theories and Weston A. Price principles. In addition, half of those patients also take butter oil pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy and lactation. Adult patients with anxiety or depressive disorders do extremely well with our treatments which, of course, include cod liver oil. Dagmar Ehling, MAc, LAc, DOM(NM), Dipl OM, FABORM.
I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for over seventeen years. At first, when I took the fermented cod liver oil, it gave me a headache so I stopped taking it. After I had the flu awhile back, I was left with a symptom where I could not lie down without feeling like I was smothering, even though I could breathe fine. This was accompanied by deep anxiety. The doctor suggested I had a classic symptom of congestive heart failure and suggested an angiogram, but that wasn’t really an option for me because I have terrible reactions to drugs. Meanwhile, I found out I had low vitamin D levels (I live north of Seattle, WA) and learned that low vitamin D can cause heart problems. I started taking vitamin D3 and it helped a bit but I kept needing more to keep the awful smothering symptom away. I was up to 6,000 IU per day of D3 but kept feeling colder and colder and sleeping more fitfully. Finally, I got to the point where I didn’t sleep all night and I knew it was the vitamin D keeping me awake. Fortunately, I had just bought some raw Jersey milk for my husband—not for myself because I thought milk didn’t agree with me, but I tasted his and decided to have a glass of my own because it was so good. It calmed my nerves and I was able to sleep. Then I decided to try taking the fermented cod liver oil again because I knew I needed to get vitamin D somehow. The first dose did give me a headache for a short time, but I felt some well being afterwards. So for the past nine days I’ve been drinking three glasses of raw milk per day with no digestive upset and taking one to one and one-half teaspoons fermented cod liver oil daily. Pain and inflammation seem to be subsiding, my energy is improving, the constant feeling of heat and pressure in my head is gone, and I am so amazed and grateful that the awful smothering feeling is quickly becoming a bad memory. As an added bonus, I no longer feel bothered at all by the gray Pacific Northwest winter days. Given the improvement I have experienced in just a few days, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens as this winter progresses and I keep taking cod liver oil and drinking raw creamy milk! JI.
Finally my vitamin D test results are back, and my vitamin D level has risen from 39 to 46 after taking two bottles of the fermented cod liver oil. Previously I had taken the regular high-vitamin cod liver oil for a year and my vitamin D level stayed at 39 before and after. SH.
I come from a family that suffers from arthritis so was concerned when I developed stiff hands and knees in my mid forties. Several months after taking high-vitamin cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil, the stiffness disappeared, never to return. SM.
Since taking fermented cod liver oil, my libido has returned (after three years’ absence), and my periods are not painful now. My hands no longer ache as they did and my skin is clearer. My daughter’s fungal rash went away within a couple of weeks after she began taking it. LM.
I am a family practice physician in Pasadena, California. I have been using Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil with my patients for only nine months now, and I have noticed dramatic results. The most dramatic of these is the effect the oils have had on lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This effect has enabled several of my patients to lower their dose of prescription medication, and hopefully eliminate it all together. In addition, I have found that patients have lost weight and lowered their blood sugars without any change in diet or activity. I have also had reports of less stiffness and pain of joints in arthritic and temporomandibular joint dysfunction patients, improvement in eczema, elevated mood in depressed patients, lessening of symptoms of PMS and increased energy and overall well being. I have a very small practice so these testaments are drawn from a few patients here and there, but they are indicative of tremendous benefits for a large number of people. All of this has really illustrated for me the huge nutritional deficiency people have been suffering from due to a fear of cholesterol. For many years now a fear of cholesterol-containing foods has kept people from consuming healthy amounts of butter, eggs, cheese, milk, animal fats and many other foods rich in nutritious fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It is no wonder that the vitamin D level is pitifully low in 95 percent of my patients. Due to continued bias against cholesterol-rich foods, I am at times unable to convince my patients to eat more of these foods. However, I have been successful in getting them to take the Green Pasture’s oils. This is mainly because they are easy to take, and only small amounts are needed. Using these products has enabled me to give back to my patients the fat-soluble nutrients their bodies have been lacking for some time now, and they are feeling better for it. Because Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oils and butter oils contain such a wide variety and potency of fat-soluble nutrients, they not only enhance my patients’ lives, but simplify them as well. Patients are able to take much less cod liver oil than with their old brand and eliminate the need for additional supplements, which are lacking in other brands. (I recommend 3 ml or 3/4 teaspoon fermented cod liver oil and 2.5 ml or 1/2 teaspoon butter oil.) When I introduce them to the oils, I ask them to bring in all the supplements they are taking. I show them that with taking this oil combo they can eliminate one-half to two-thirds of their other supplements, and sometimes all of them. Often my patients are taking so many different types of synthetic vitamins, they literally walk in with a big box full of them. The reason they are taking so many is because each bottle usually contains only one or maybe a couple types of synthetic vitamins or nutrients. Obtaining nutrients through natural food sources allows them a more potent and broader range of nutrition, thus eliminating the need for boxes of bottles and huge dosing. One of the nutrients found in cod liver oil is vitamin D. I found that it took just 2,800 IU of the vitamin D contained in Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oil in combination with the butter oil to raise one patient’s serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level from 12.6 ng/ml to 82.3 ng/ml in just three months. According to the guidelines for supplementing synthetic vitamin D3 it would have taken 7,000 IU to achieve this and without all the benefits of the many other fat-soluble nutrients found in these oils. What a testament to the power of nutrients in their natural form! I am finding similar results in other patients. Several have raised their vitamin D levels from the teens or low twenties into the forties within several months using the combination of fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil alone, in easy-to-take capsule form, and without any other vitamin D supplementation. Since the patients are also getting substantial amounts of vitamin A with this regimen, it is difficult to conclude that vitamin A interferes with vitamin D assimilation as critics of cod liver oil have claimed. Rosann Volmert.
After about two weeks taking a one-half teaspoon high vitamin cod liver oil I noticed that my hands were not cracked anymore. I have had dry skin my whole life and in winter they will crack and bleed. My mother is 99 years old and has had skin cancer on her forehead. They have burned it off several times but it always bleeds and never really healed. I got her to take the cod liver oil so she wouldn’t get a cold. Incredibly, her forehead has now healed up. WL.
Since I started using fermented cod liver oil in my naturopathic practice, I have two completely resolved cases of endometriosis, women experiencing pain-free periods for the first time in their lives, surprisingly within two or three weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil at a dose of 5 ml per day. Up to this point in my six-year career, I had yet to have any luck whatsoever when it came to endometriosis. I have another very complicated case of endometriosis combined with Wolf-Parkinson’s-White-like heart problems and this particular woman experienced twelve to fifteen days of excruciating pain monthly related to the endometriosis. Within six weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil she is down to three days of pain per month, which she is thrilled about. While her WPW symptoms persist, her endometriosis symptoms are all but a thing of the past. Again, I put her on a dose of 5 ml per day. I have another patient who came to me, a mother in her thirties, who was experiencing hair thinning and had not had a period in over nine months for no apparent reason. Within three weeks of starting the fermented cod liver oil, she had a period again. Laura Margaritis, ND, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
I have a handful of clients that I have on high vitamin or fermented cod liver oil and when they stop taking it, they have discomfort and pain rather quickly in their arthritic areas, not to mention a return of depression and mood problems. They tell me they won’t give up cod liver oil no matter what anyone says to them. . . our bodies don’t lie. Anabela Bacchione.
I have been using fermented cod liver oil for about eighteen months. I have been checking my vitamin D levels over the last four years and this year I went from 37 to 48, whereas the three years previous I went from 16 to 26 (ten points total, for the three years). During those years I was taking vitamin D in doses from 10,000 to 50,000 IU. The only thing I can attribute the increase to is the fermented cod liver oil. I also have a few customers who swear that the cod liver oil wards off depression, especially in the winter (Minnesota). BS.
We’ve been using high-vitamin cod liver oil and the butter oil for the Weston Price protocol for several years. The biggest changes reported have been improved muscle strength, stamina and immunity. I have also noted improved moods in my family—they are less irritable. I also feel the Weston Price protocol, including bone broths, raw goat milk kefir, etc., helped save my mother’s life when she was stricken with severe sepsis several years ago. The frequent drops of cod liver oil and butter oil appeared to increase her strength and improve her ability to absorb and utilize her food. LH.
One of my patients, an active but hobbled sixty-five-year-old female, kept complaining of joint pain and stiffness for the past year. Our chiropractic work did wonders to keep her feeling quite well and able to maintain a busy schedule as well as go skiing in Colorado, but she would always return with the same old complaints. After two months on the high vitamin cod liver oil, her complaints of joint pain were gone! Michael J. Kudlas, DC, MA, MEd.
My son’s acne completely cleared up and he is so happy on cod liver oil that it is the one thing he will consistently take. Also he noticed that his seasonal affective disorder was much better last winter taking the cod liver oil (for his skin) and his grades and general energy were markedly improved over previous winters when he didn’t take it. Megan McCoy, MD.
At eight months, my one-hundred-percent breast fed daughter had a bad case of eczema and an allergy to egg whites. We tried everything (different soaps, oils, creams etc.) to get rid of the eczema and nothing worked till our homeopathic pediatrician told us to give her 1-2 ml of high-vitamin cod liver oil along with high-vitamin butter oil every day, as well as a teaspoon of coconut oil. Today she is a happy healthy two-year-old who takes 1-2 ml cod liver oil almost every day. She has perfect skin and her allergy to egg whites is gone as well. Her amazing recovery from the eczema and egg allergy inspired me to go back to school and become certified as a nutritional therapy practitioner. Our whole family of five has been taking 1-2 ml of high-vitamin cod liver oil for the past two years. We are all healthy and happy. The children, ages two, four and six, have never had a cavity and are noticeably healthier than the majority of their friends. Shelley Ballantyne.
I am writing for myself and my family with all the changes which have taken place after the consumption of high-vitamin butter oil and cod liver oil and all good fats. First, I was deeply ill, with many local doctors diagnosing me with severe depression and anxiety. I was unable to sleep, digest or eliminate foods in a healthy way; I could not work or take care of myself at all. I was unable to do simple tasks like do the wash or button a shirt, for my coordination was impaired. I would trip often and could not finish a thought or sentence. I was severely paranoid of all things and people. With many medicines, my symptoms became even more severe and intense. I was scared to death, along with my family! I became very suicidal. I should explain that previously I was in the hair salon business and was quite successful, but using many chemicals all day long, five days a week. My diet was filled with wrong foods. I was taking care of a very sick family member daily. Thanks to Dr. Roy Ozanne I learned about good fats and fermented foods. With his help I eliminated all sugars, caffeine, alcohol, white flour, etc., but more importantly, I added cod liver oil and butter oil. Over the course of two years, my body healed itself. I am now able to communicate with all, I am motivated, and I am back to work (not in the hair business!). My children on this diet report that they are able to focus much better than they used to. LMP.
In our clinic we’ve used Premier Natural Cod liver oil for about five or six years with great success. Our babies born to patients of the clinic in many cases have facial structures Weston Price found in his travels of traditional cultures. They have broad jaws, ears with unattached, slightly enlongated lobes, and have great emotional dispositions. Many sleep through the night at a fairly early age, and developmentally are either early or right on target. Many parents have reported that their children do well academically and conditions such as allergies, behavioral disorders are markedly absent in these children. All our patients take two capsules pre-pregnancy and continue this during pregnancy and during lactation along with a diet that includes Chinese medical theories and Weston A. Price principles. In addition, half of those patients also take butter oil pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy and lactation. Adult patients with anxiety or depressive disorders do extremely well with our treatments which, of course, include cod liver oil. Dagmar Ehling, MAc, LAc, DOM(NM), Dipl OM, FABORM.
I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for over seventeen years. At first, when I took the fermented cod liver oil, it gave me a headache so I stopped taking it. After I had the flu awhile back, I was left with a symptom where I could not lie down without feeling like I was smothering, even though I could breathe fine. This was accompanied by deep anxiety. The doctor suggested I had a classic symptom of congestive heart failure and suggested an angiogram, but that wasn’t really an option for me because I have terrible reactions to drugs. Meanwhile, I found out I had low vitamin D levels (I live north of Seattle, WA) and learned that low vitamin D can cause heart problems. I started taking vitamin D3 and it helped a bit but I kept needing more to keep the awful smothering symptom away. I was up to 6,000 IU per day of D3 but kept feeling colder and colder and sleeping more fitfully. Finally, I got to the point where I didn’t sleep all night and I knew it was the vitamin D keeping me awake. Fortunately, I had just bought some raw Jersey milk for my husband—not for myself because I thought milk didn’t agree with me, but I tasted his and decided to have a glass of my own because it was so good. It calmed my nerves and I was able to sleep. Then I decided to try taking the fermented cod liver oil again because I knew I needed to get vitamin D somehow. The first dose did give me a headache for a short time, but I felt some well being afterwards. So for the past nine days I’ve been drinking three glasses of raw milk per day with no digestive upset and taking one to one and one-half teaspoons fermented cod liver oil daily. Pain and inflammation seem to be subsiding, my energy is improving, the constant feeling of heat and pressure in my head is gone, and I am so amazed and grateful that the awful smothering feeling is quickly becoming a bad memory. As an added bonus, I no longer feel bothered at all by the gray Pacific Northwest winter days. Given the improvement I have experienced in just a few days, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens as this winter progresses and I keep taking cod liver oil and drinking raw creamy milk! JI.
Finally my vitamin D test results are back, and my vitamin D level has risen from 39 to 46 after taking two bottles of the fermented cod liver oil. Previously I had taken the regular high-vitamin cod liver oil for a year and my vitamin D level stayed at 39 before and after. SH.
I come from a family that suffers from arthritis so was concerned when I developed stiff hands and knees in my mid forties. Several months after taking high-vitamin cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil, the stiffness disappeared, never to return. SM.
Since taking fermented cod liver oil, my libido has returned (after three years’ absence), and my periods are not painful now. My hands no longer ache as they did and my skin is clearer. My daughter’s fungal rash went away within a couple of weeks after she began taking it. LM.
I am a family practice physician in Pasadena, California. I have been using Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil with my patients for only nine months now, and I have noticed dramatic results. The most dramatic of these is the effect the oils have had on lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This effect has enabled several of my patients to lower their dose of prescription medication, and hopefully eliminate it all together. In addition, I have found that patients have lost weight and lowered their blood sugars without any change in diet or activity. I have also had reports of less stiffness and pain of joints in arthritic and temporomandibular joint dysfunction patients, improvement in eczema, elevated mood in depressed patients, lessening of symptoms of PMS and increased energy and overall well being. I have a very small practice so these testaments are drawn from a few patients here and there, but they are indicative of tremendous benefits for a large number of people. All of this has really illustrated for me the huge nutritional deficiency people have been suffering from due to a fear of cholesterol. For many years now a fear of cholesterol-containing foods has kept people from consuming healthy amounts of butter, eggs, cheese, milk, animal fats and many other foods rich in nutritious fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It is no wonder that the vitamin D level is pitifully low in 95 percent of my patients. Due to continued bias against cholesterol-rich foods, I am at times unable to convince my patients to eat more of these foods. However, I have been successful in getting them to take the Green Pasture’s oils. This is mainly because they are easy to take, and only small amounts are needed. Using these products has enabled me to give back to my patients the fat-soluble nutrients their bodies have been lacking for some time now, and they are feeling better for it. Because Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oils and butter oils contain such a wide variety and potency of fat-soluble nutrients, they not only enhance my patients’ lives, but simplify them as well. Patients are able to take much less cod liver oil than with their old brand and eliminate the need for additional supplements, which are lacking in other brands. (I recommend 3 ml or 3/4 teaspoon fermented cod liver oil and 2.5 ml or 1/2 teaspoon butter oil.) When I introduce them to the oils, I ask them to bring in all the supplements they are taking. I show them that with taking this oil combo they can eliminate one-half to two-thirds of their other supplements, and sometimes all of them. Often my patients are taking so many different types of synthetic vitamins, they literally walk in with a big box full of them. The reason they are taking so many is because each bottle usually contains only one or maybe a couple types of synthetic vitamins or nutrients. Obtaining nutrients through natural food sources allows them a more potent and broader range of nutrition, thus eliminating the need for boxes of bottles and huge dosing. One of the nutrients found in cod liver oil is vitamin D. I found that it took just 2,800 IU of the vitamin D contained in Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oil in combination with the butter oil to raise one patient’s serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level from 12.6 ng/ml to 82.3 ng/ml in just three months. According to the guidelines for supplementing synthetic vitamin D3 it would have taken 7,000 IU to achieve this and without all the benefits of the many other fat-soluble nutrients found in these oils. What a testament to the power of nutrients in their natural form! I am finding similar results in other patients. Several have raised their vitamin D levels from the teens or low twenties into the forties within several months using the combination of fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil alone, in easy-to-take capsule form, and without any other vitamin D supplementation. Since the patients are also getting substantial amounts of vitamin A with this regimen, it is difficult to conclude that vitamin A interferes with vitamin D assimilation as critics of cod liver oil have claimed. Rosann Volmert.
My Personal Reasons For Taking Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Here are my own personal reasons on why I decided to take Green Pasture FCLO.
1. Green Pasture is the only company that makes FCLO through the traditional fermentation method, retaining all the naturally-occurring nutrients (and even enhances them!). It doesn't go through any industrial processing or have any synthetic vitamins added to it, making the products very stable from oxidative damage.
2. Out diet lacks the valuable nutrients found in FCLO (mainly the naturally-occurring omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA and vitamin A) because we eat very little wild-caught fish to supply us with DHA and EPA and I cannot guarantee that the meat we eat are pasture-raised. Remember that animal fat is the only source of true vitamin A.
3. Even if we get to eat wild-caught fish (which is often unavailable or very expensive in Singapore), we have to eat a lot of them in order to get the same amount of nutrients in a serving of FCLO.
"Eating fish will not provide the levels of nutrients that are found in cod liver oil. Even in heavy fish-eating populations, the addition of cod liver oil improves health. And taking fish oils is not the same as taking cod liver liver oil. One tablespoon of regular cod liver oil and one-half tablespoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil provide the amount of elongated omega-3 fatty acids found in twelve 1,000 mg fish oil capsules. As for vitamin D, body oils of fish can be good sources as long as you are willing to eat a lot of them. One-half pound of fatty herring or sardines gives a dose of vitamin D equal to that of about one tablespoon of cod liver oil. But salmon oil has one-fifth the potency of cod liver oil. (source)
4. Our lifestyle is mostly indoor and our body lacks the natural vitamin D needed for so many bodily functions and optimal health. The "ten minutes in morning sun" mantra gives us very little vitamin D from the sun. Definitely not enough. (And we've learned that contrary to popular belief, our body produces the most vitamin D when the sun is at its peak (midday), not early morning). Also, science has proven that our body cannot absorb calcium if we lack vitamin D, so taking vitamin D-rich FCLO will help calcium absorption in our body.
5. Evidences show how taking FCLO kept primitive generations in superb health. Our generation thinks it's the norm for all children to wear glasses, have crooked teeth and wear braces, but it wasn't like that before. Strong physique, well-formed facial features, perfect eyesight, teeth alignment, and jaw structure were the norm, and I hope that my children can grow up the way God designed them to be.
6. My 18-month old toddler has always been a picky eater and does not like meat or fish, thus giving her FCLO, along with coconut oil, ensures that she gets all her nutritional oils (good fats) that are so vital for optimal body functions (that said, FCLO is even more important for those who lacks meat/fish sources in their diet).
7. FCLO comes out to be more cost-effective than taking multiple kinds of supplements and eating wild-caught fish and I feel more assured and safe knowing that my family gets our nutrients that are naturally-occurring, not artificial or synthetic.
So, those are my main reasons for consuming Green Pasture FCLO.
You can think of cod liver oil like honey. They are good for you in their raw state, but there are also processed ones which you want to avoid. Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil is like manuka honey with the highest UMF rating. It is the best of its kind. If I were to recommend one supplement to anyone, it would be FCLO.
Click here on how to order Green Pasture FCLO in Singapore.
This post first appeared on Pasture Living.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Green Pasture nor am I paid to write a review about their products. I'm just a very satisfied consumer and believe in the effectiveness of Green Pasture FCLO. All opinions are completely my own.
Cost, Taste, and Considerations for Getting Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil
By now, I hope you have understood how beneficial fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) is for our health, what to look for in FCLO, and the differences between regular fish oil/CLO and FCLO. Green Pasture, being the "best" rated FCLO by Weston A. Price Foundation and the health community for being the only company that produces FCLO traditionally, is the only FCLO brand that I would recommend to anyone. Now, let's consider a few factors:
Cost and Considerations For Getting Green Pasture FCLO
A bottle of FCLO may seem expensive at first sight, but I've come to realize that it really isn't that costly if we understand what we're getting for.
- Pure fermented cod liver oil. Traditionally processed through fermentation, Green Pasture cod liver oil retains all the naturally-occurring nutrients, and even enhances them, giving us more per serving than other brands in the market.
- More nutrients per serving. FCLO is jam-packed with nutrients that the recommended daily serving is so small, thus a bottle goes a long way. A bottle of FCLO gives about 118 servings (about 4 months). Regular CLO may be cheaper, but remember that most brands of CLO's have been highly processed and stripped of their natural nutrients.
- Lessen the need for other supplements. FCLO is rich in so many nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids DHA, EPA, vitamin A, D, K, that you don't have to take other omega 3, DHA, EPA and other fat-soluble vitamin supplements.
"Because Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oils and butter oils contain such a wide variety and potency of fat-soluble nutrients, they not only enhance my patients’ lives, but simplify them as well. Patients are able to take much less cod liver oil than with their old brand and eliminate the need for additional supplements, which are lacking in other brands. (I recommend 3 ml or 3/4 teaspoon fermented cod liver oil and 2.5 ml or 1/2 teaspoon butter oil.) When I introduce them to the oils, I ask them to bring in all the supplements they are taking. I show them that with taking this oil combo they can eliminate one-half to two-thirds of their other supplements, and sometimes all of them. Often my patients are taking so many different types of synthetic vitamins, they literally walk in with a big box full of them. The reason they are taking so many is because each bottle usually contains only one or maybe a couple types of synthetic vitamins or nutrients. Obtaining nutrients through natural food sources allows them a more potent and broader range of nutrition, thus eliminating the need for boxes of bottles and huge dosing." - Rosann Volmert, DO, family practice physician, Pasadena, CA
- Make up for the lack of consuming wild-caught fish in our diets. Even though we know the health benefits of consuming fish in our diets, many of us including my family do not consume enough fish at home. Additionally, most fish we find in Singapore supermarkets are farmed, and we know that the nutrients of farmed fish is inferior to that of wild fish. Green Pasture FCLO comes from only wild-caught cod fish in the arctic and consuming this gives us the omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins of wild-caught fish literally, which is so rarely found in Singapore. This is one of the main reasons why our family starts taking FCLO. Since wild fish is rarely available, we save the money that would otherwise go into buying farmed fish to buy FCLO. Even those of us who are fortunate to get ample servings of wild fish in your diet, you will have to consume a lot of them to get to the level of nutrients equivalent to that of FCLO.
"Eating fish will not provide the levels of nutrients that are found in cod liver oil. Even in heavy fish-eating populations, the addition of cod liver oil improves health. And taking fish oils is not the same as taking cod liver liver oil. One tablespoon of regular cod liver oil and one-half tablespoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil provide the amount of elongated omega-3 fatty acids found in twelve 1,000 mg fish oil capsules. As for vitamin D, body oils of fish can be good sources as long as you are willing to eat a lot of them. One-half pound of fatty herring or sardines gives a dose of vitamin D equal to that of about one tablespoon of cod liver oil. But salmon oil has one-fifth the potency of cod liver oil. (source)
- Stretching our dollars further. To stretch your dollars even further, we have to understand that:
1. FCLO works synergistically with saturated fats such as coconut oil or butter from pasture-fed cows. Thus, taking the two together allows the body to maximize the nutrients derived from FCLO.
2. Our body needs enough vitamin D to absorb calcium, which we all know is important for bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. Many of us are already taking calcium supplements and taking vitamin D-rich foods such as FCLO along with calcium supplements will ensure our body's absorption of calcium.
Dr Price "found that cod liver oil on its own was relatively ineffective but combined with high vitamin butter oil (extracted from dairy milk produced by cows that graze exclusively on specially selected rapidly growing grass), it produced excellent results. The butter oil contains what he called Activator X, now considered to be vitamin K2, which works synergistically with vitamins A and D. Your diet should include sources of vitamin K, such as good quality butter from grass-fed cows and/or high-vitamin butter oil, fat from grass-fed animals, cheeses from grass-fed animals and duck or goose liver, along with cod liver oil." (source)
It's true that healthy living comes with its cost, especially in Singapore, where anything considered "healthy food" is highly priced. But I hope that by now you begin to understand the extraordinary value of this superfood. FCLO is none like other supplements and it is far from ordinary. If you're still thinking about the cost, consider how if we can cut down our consumption of bubble teas or starbucks a couple of times a month, that savings can go into something that is much more nutritious than artificial foods, don't you agree? :)
Fermented Cod Liver Oil |
What About the Taste?
I will be lying if I tell you that I like the taste of fermented cod liver oil. It's oil from the liver of a fish so it is naturally fishy and you may find that taste and odor will be different from bottle to bottle depending on what the fish eats. Because today's marketing focus is maximizing profits and comfort to its consumers, companies find ways to use industrialized processes to control the compounds of their products to make them more marketable and palatable. Nutrient integrity is not their focus. Like I mentioned here, if you find a brand that is "easy" to take, most likely it's not the real thing. Wouldn't you want something that is real? Paying less for unpure/synthetic vitamins is more expensive than paying more for the real thing.
Green Pasture has different flavors that help cover up the fishy taste of the FCLO. There are also many other ways to help you swallow FCLO with, such as milk, juice and raw honey. If you really think you can't handle the smell/taste, you can take the ones in capsules.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Green Pasture nor am I paid to write a review about their products. I'm just a very satisfied consumer and believe in the effectiveness of Green Pasture FCLO. All opinions are completely my own.
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