Saturday, August 24, 2013

Learn About Fermented Cod Liver Oil

"If my family were to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to bring one superfood to consume, in addition to whatever we found on the island, I would pick this one (cod liver oil)" (source)

"If you want to prevent learning disabilities in your children," said David Horrobin, distinguished medical and biochemical researcher, "feed them cod liver oil." (source)

Introduction to Cod Liver Oil

Learn about the amazing components what make up cod liver oil.

Nutrition of cod liver oil

What's So Good About Cod Liver Oil?

"Healthy" is relative. What was once considered "healthy" is no longer is and vice versa. As such, let's look at a few reasons why even the healthiest among us need nutrient-dense food such as fermented cod liver oil. (It's a rather long post, but it's full of important information and I hope you stay with me until the end.. and learn something new).

Why Should I Take Cod Liver Oil if I'm Already Healthy?

There are many brands of cod liver oil out there, but how can we know which ones are good? Which ones retain most, if not, all the naturally-occurring nutrients? Let's take a look.

What To Look For in Cod Liver Oil and What is the Best Brand?

If you're already taking fish oil or some kind of omega 3 DHA and EPA, chances are you already know the health benefits of fish oil. Now it's a matter of finding the right kind of fish oils. Let's take a look at the differences between regular fish oil, regular cod liver oil, and fermented cod liver oil.

Differences between Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Regular Cod Liver Oil, and Regular Fish Oil

The cost of FCLO may seem high at first sight, it is actually not so if you understand what you getting. Read here for discussions on cost, taste, and other considerations about getting Green Pasture FCLO

Cost, Taste, and Considerations for Getting Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil

There are so many brands of cod liver oil out there, why did I choose Green Pasture?

My Personal Reasons for Taking Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Green Pasture FCLO Testimonies

There are so much more to properly fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) than just omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Naturally-occurring vitamin A and D are abundant in FCLO and are vital for optimal body functions but unfortunately many brands out there have inappropriately imbalanced ratio of the two vitamins, due to industrial processing, creating more harms than benefits (may even be toxic!). Learn more about the importance of vitamin A and D, how they work synergistically, and why an imbalanced ratio of A to D is not good.

Notes on Vitamins A and D Contents in Green Pasture FCLO

Where to Buy Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil in Singapore

Types of Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil and How to Order

Clearing Controversies and Confusion With Fermented Cod Liver Oil

1 comment:

  1. fish oil singaporeFish oil Singapore - Find the best Fish Oil supplement to help you reach your goals! Free Delivery in Singapore for orders above $50. Visit here - WellbeingSG
